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Webinars and training

Plato's Cave: Thinking About Care, Caring About Thinking

Date: Wednesday, 12 February 2025

We rarely get the chance to ask or explore the deeper philosophical questions that are raised by the caring professions. In response to this, this webinar creates a space for exploring what the idea of care takes for granted and how we might learn to see some of its values and challenges differently.

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Adultification Bias: What Is It, What Harm Does It Do, And How Do We Guard Against It?

Date: Tuesday, 1 April 2025

In this webinar, we’ll be joined by Sosa Henkoma, Sussana Clapcot and Dr Nicholas Marsh for a series of conversations exploring adultification bias. Together, we’ll unpick what it is; what it can sound, look and feel like to a child; why it causes harm and the many ways it can negatively impact on outcomes; and how we can start to unravel the range of assumptions it causes us to make in our interactions with children.

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Connecting with Care

Date: Wednesday, 30 April 2025

Caring for others is, at its heart, the practice of making connections. Whether through love, friendship, conversation, or community, giving and receiving care is fundamental to what it means to be human. In professional care settings, the right kinds of connections are essential, not only for supporting those in need but also for fostering strong, resilient teams. This webinar offers a reflective space to explore the nature of connection and disconnection in care relationships. Through conversation we’ll consider what it means to build meaningful connections, how challenges can be transformed into opportunities, and why deepening our understanding of relationships is key to effective and compassionate care.

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Care in Conversation

Date: Thursdays, 1 May, 8 May, 15 May, 22 May 2025 (Four 90-minute sessions, 10.30-12pm)

Thinking is often thought of as a luxury, particularly in pressured and challenging environments - but thinking deeply can be a powerful tool for transformation in our lives and work. This course offers time for care professionals to think about care. Using a philosophical framework and conversational practice, participants will explore whether having a deeper understanding of what care is and why we need it can make us better practitioners.

Price: £249 + VAT (Non-Members) / £220 + VAT for CareKnowledge members with code CKMember

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Meet the Editors (Exclusively for CareKnowledge members)

Dates: Thursday, 20 February 2025 (Working With Offenders or People on Probation), Wednesday, 19 March 2025 (Working With Young Carers)

In this series of small informal discussions, you will be able to discuss the challenges you face in your role, so we can better understand your needs. Each session is themed, so you'll be speaking directly to the relevant editor. Places are limited to ensure everyone who attends will have an opportunity to take part.

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Find out what CareKnowledge has to offer


Whether you're a new CareKnowledge member or you're curious about whether a subscription is right for you, this one-hour session will give you a guided tour of the site and its features, as well as some handy hints and tips for getting the most from membership.

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An introduction to MyCPD


In this session, we'll show you how to use MyCPD, CareKnowledge's integrated Continuing Professional Development tracker.

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Previous events

Replay coming soon: Creating a Christmas that Works for Children in Care: Collaboration, Understanding and Sensitivity

This webinar took place on Wednesday, 4 December 2024. A replay will shortly be available to CareKnowledge members.

For children in care, Christmas can be a time of increased anxiety, uncertainty, and confusion. If you recognise what's at stake when considering the festive period for children in care – and care experienced children and young people – this webinar is for you.

Violence Free Futures for Children and Young People: High Stakes, Uncomfortable Truths, Creating the Conditions for Real Change

This webinar took place on 22nd November 2024. Replays are available now in audio and video formats.

Young Futures is a vital part of the government's response to high levels of violence. The stakes couldn’t be higher - far too many children are dying, traumatised and denied the opportunity to thrive and realise their full potential because of the violence they experience and their violence towards others. Join us for this online event for leaders across all services who are committed to collectively playing our part in creating the conditions for real change.

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Cuckooing: Multi-Agency Safeguarding, Powers and Practice

This webinar took place on Thursday, 21st November 2024. A replay is available exclusively for CareKnowledge members. 

Responding to known or suspected cuckooing presents many challenges for practitioners. This webinar will give you an understanding of the levers and tools that can be employed to disrupt this form of exploitation, and leave you feeling motivated to collaborate more closely with colleagues in agency partners in order to tackle it.

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Replay: Autism in the Workplace: Working Together to Build Inclusive Health and Social Care Teams

This webinar took  place on Wednesday, 13 November 2024. A full replay is available exclusively for CareKnowledge members.

With the ongoing surge in adult diagnoses of autism, there's a growing understanding of the many ways that autism can impact a person’s working life – whether that person is us, a colleague, or someone we manage. Join us to explore ways that we can create an autistic- and neurodivergent-informed workplace that is person-centred and inclusive in its approach.

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Conversations in Practice - Purpose, Style and Authenticity

This event took place on Thursday, 12 September 2024. Replays in video and audio format are available exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

This webinar is about the art of conversation and its place in our practice. We'll explore whether philosophy and styles like motivational interviewing can help us to develop critical conversation skills, and how that can impact on our practice, our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those we are in conversation with. Expect to question whether conversation skills are appropriately valued in our practice and feel motivated to be more proactive and intentional about developing your listening, thinking and speaking skills.

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Free webinar: Safeguarding Children in Custody: Relationships, Advocacy and Power

This webinar took place on 7 August 2024. Video and audio resources are available now exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

This practice-focused webinar delves into how social workers, youth justice workers and Independent Reviewing Officers can play a positive safeguarding role in the lives of the children in custody they are responsible for. You will gain a deeper understanding of the types of harm a child in custody might come to, how you can determine if they have come to harm, and how to ensure that any concerns you have are addressed appropriately.

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Safeguarding Children Who Go Missing: Risk, Harm and Empathy

This webinar took place on 18 June 2024. Video and audio replays are available now exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

This webinar is about children who go missing, the harm they experience while they are missing, and how we care for them when they return. Those who harm and exploit children rely on us not taking missing episodes seriously enough and not forming the kinds of trusted relationships with children that can disrupt patterns of abuse. If you work with children and want to stop them going missing and being at risk of harm, this webinar is for you.

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Recognising and Responding to Children's Disclosures of Sexual Abuse

This webinar took place on Wednesday, 8 May 2024. Video and audio replays are available now exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

The government is now making good on its promise to implement some of the recommendations made in the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) report. This will have wide-ranging implications for professionals and will extend the legal requirement to report instances of child sexual abuse. If you work with children and/or young people and want to develop confidence in your ability to recognise and positively respond to possible disclosures of child sexual abuse, this webinar is for you.

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The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) One Year On: Victim Care and Mandatory Reporting on the Frontline

This webinar took place on Thursday, 30 November 2023. A replay is available to CareKnowledge members in audio and video formats.

The IICSA final report was a watershed moment for the awareness of the national and global crisis of child sexual abuse. If you recognise the necessity of the IICSA and its recommendations but have questions around how they might work practically, how the IICSA is already leading to important changes in work with victims and survivors, and how you can support these changes, this webinar is for you.

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The Truth Project - Learning the Lessons for Practice from Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse

This webinar took place on 8 November 2023. 

The lessons from the IICSA and the Truth Project are essential to how we might work together to prevent child sexual abuse and protect those who have experienced it. This webinar is for all professionals who might encounter a person who is a victim or survivor of child sexual abuse.

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New School Year, Same Struggles Ahead? Dr Ross Greene on how Social Workers and Educators can Break the Cycle and Make This Year Different

This webinar took place on Thursday, 24th August 2023.

If you work with children who struggle with social, emotional and behavioural challenges, the words 'Back to School' can signal exhausting and traumatic days ahead. This webinar is an opportunity to think about how you can support children and young people as they enter the new school year, equipped with a new understanding of behaviour and a positive way of addressing children's challenges that can bring about lasting change.

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Storytelling through case notes - language, empathy and validation

This webinar took place on Tuesday, 11 July 2023. Replays in video and audio format are available exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

Whether you are a social worker, youth offending team worker, probation officer, foster carer, teacher or police officer, you will have the responsibility of recording your understanding of a child and their story in different scenarios. If you’re passionate about the need to give young people the opportunity to see themselves validated in the notes you write, this webinar is for you.

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Implementing Dr Ross Greene’s Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) Model - learning from Warwickshire

This webinar took place on Wednesday, 26th April 2023. Video and audio replays are available now, exclusively to CareKnowledge members.

In this webinar you will hear how the CPS model came to be piloted in 34 Warwickshire schools in 2022 and is transforming thinking and practices across the county more widely, with tangible benefits already been felt by the children and practitioners involved. You will also hear how Warwickshire rolled out the model, the emerging understanding of the impact it is having and plans for implementation across children’s services more widely.

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Explosive and non-compliant children: moving from power and control to collaboration and problem solving

This webinar was broadcast on 7 February 2023. Replays are available exclusively for CareKnowledge members, in video and audio format. 

This two-hour webinar with clinical psychologist Dr Ross Greene will give you an understanding of the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model and how to apply it in practice. You'll explore what Dr Greene terms 'lucky' and 'unlucky' behaviours, critically reflect on your response to children who display these behaviours, and develop renewed confidence in your ability to make a difference.

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Working with child sexual abuse survivors: Trust and trauma in practice

This webinar was broadcast on 7 December 2022. Replays are available exclusively for CareKnowledge members in video and audio format. 

This two-hour webinar will help you to critically reflect on the relationships you have established with survivors, consider what survivors can teach you about how to develop trusted professional relationships, and understand what trauma-informed, person-centred practice with survivors might look like - and the support you need to deliver it.

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Relationship-based practice with adults - what is it, what does it look like and what are the benefits?

This webinar was broadcast on 30 November 2022. Replays are available exclusively for CareKnowledge members in video and audio format. 

This two-hour webinar with Heidi Dix and Dr Sue Hollinrake will give you an understanding of relationship-based practice and the opportunities it presents in work with adults. You'll critically reflect on barriers to relationship-based practice and ways to overcome them, and develop an understanding of the IDEAS model and how it can aid your practice. If you work with adults, this webinar is for you.

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Learning the Lessons from Punishing Abuse: Girls, violence and vulnerability

This webinar was broadcast on the 22 June 2022. Replays are available exclusively for CareKnowledge members in video and audio format. 

In this webinar, Dr Alex Chard is joined by Dr Katie Ellis, Lorraine Kahn, Dr Gilly Sharpe, and Wendy Tomlinson to discuss the key findings about the girls studied in Punishing Abuse – and to examine why girls' needs are sometimes harder to identify and to meet.

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What can we learn from the National Review of Non-Accidental Injury in Under 1s?

This event took place on Wednesday, 27th April 2022. Video and audio replays are available exclusively for CareKnowledge members.

In this webinar, CareKnowledge Head of Content Rob Mair is joined by Elie Godsi, author of the Psychologist’s Report which formed a critical part of the National Review, to draw out lessons for professionals to understand the key factors that must be recognised in order to identify those children most at risk of harm.

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Learning the Lessons from Punishing Abuse: Poverty, deprivation and empowering rich social work practice

This event took place on 16 November 2021. A recording of the session is exclusively available to CareKnowledge members in a choice of video and audio format.

How poverty-informed is your practice? Dr Alex Chard, Wendy Tomlinson and expert guest speakers explore how childhood poverty impoverishes lives – and what it is in your power to change.

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Learning the Lessons from Punishing Abuse: Why professional curiosity and knowing a child well matters

This event took place on 30 June 2021. A recording of the session is available to CareKnowledge members.

This session provides an opportunity to hear Dr Alex Chard discuss his recently published and highly impactful report, Punishing Abuse, with the Youth Custody Service’s Head of Safeguarding, Wendy Tomlinson. The focus of this session is on drawing out lessons for frontline professionals working in children’s services.

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