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Welcome to CareKnowledge

We put professional development at the heart of your social care practice 

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Free Webinar

In this webinar, we’ll be joined by Sosa Henkoma, Sussana Clapcott and Dr Nicholas Marsh to explore adultification bias. We’ll unpick what it can soundlook and feel like to a child, why it causes harm, and the assumptions it causes us to make in our interactions with children.

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November Webinar Replay

Responding to known or suspected cuckooing presents many challenges for practitioners working in housing, social care and policing. Catch up on Cuckooing: Multi-Agency Safeguarding, Powers and Practice in video or audio format here.

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Multimedia Resource Sets

Structured around video and audio replays of CareKnowledge Live webinars, our resource sets include outlined learning objectives and facilitator instructions for delivering the content as an in-house seminar. 

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