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Using Dr Greene's Collaborative & Proactive Solutions model - how to effectively collaborate and problem solve with children and young people

Trainer: Dr Ross Greene, Clinical Psychologist and Founding Director of Lives in the Balance, and The New York Times bestselling author of The Explosive Child

For: Anyone who has an interest in Dr Ross Greene's Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model of care and is committed to adopting the model in their interactions with children

Booking for this training is now closed. Further training dates for the new year TBA.

Additional discount available for groups of six or more people. Contact for a quote. 

CareKnowledge is thrilled to be able to offer an in-depth 2-day training course with Dr Ross Greene, which will provide a deeper understanding of how to adopt the CPS model in your practice. Those who participate in the training will leave with an understanding of the theory underpinning the model, knowledge of its evolution over the past 8-10 years, and practical assessment and intervention tools that can be used in practice.

The CPS model has transformed thinking and practices worldwide in various services. It has been associated with dramatic reductions in adult-child conflict, concerning behaviours, school suspensions and exclusions, restraint use, and other harmful responses to children.

The model represents a significant departure from discipline-as-usual: it focuses on solving problems rather than modifying behaviour, emphasises collaborative rather than unilateral solutions, encourages proactive rather than reactive intervention, de-emphasises diagnostic categories, and provides practical, research-based tools for assessment and intervention.


Learning outcomes:

  • Able to describe the five paradigm shifts of the CPS model, and how the model focuses on problems (and solving them) rather than on the behaviours that are being caused by those problems (and modifying them); the advantages of collaborative (rather than unilateral) problem solving; and the importance and feasibility of proactive (rather than reactive) intervention.
  • Develop on understanding of the lagging skills that are involved in solving problems, handling frustration, being flexible and adaptable, and regulating emotions, and the unsolved problems that are causing concerning behaviours
  • Able to describe the three basic mechanisms by which adults handle unsolved problems and unmet expectations in children (Plans A, B, and C) and what is accomplished by each
  • Able to describe the three steps of Plan B
  • Able to describe how to effectively implement Plan B and the various roadblocks that can occur in implementation (and how to overcome  them)


Who should attend?

  • Social workers (newly qualified to very experienced)
  • Senior leaders in health, education and social care services for children
  • Team managers
  • Service managers
  • Principal social workers
  • Youth offending team workers
  • Mental Health professionals
  • Occupational therapists
  • Health professionals
  • Teachers and others working in education
  • Police officers
  • Probation officers
  • Foster carers
  • Parents


Meet the speaker


Ross W. Greene, PhD

Ross is the originator of Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS), as described in his influential books The Explosive Child, Lost at SchoolLost & Found, and Raising Human Beings. He also developed and executive produced the documentary film, The Kids We Lose, released in 2018. Dr. Greene served on the faculty at Harvard Medical School for more than 20 years, and is now founding director of the non-profit Lives in the Balance, which aims to disseminate the CPS model and support caregivers through a vast array of free web-based resources; advocate on behalf of kids with concerning behaviours and their caregivers; and advocate for systemic changes to encourage the use of non-punitive, non-exclusionary interventions. He is currently adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Tech and adjunct Professor in the Faculty of Science at University of Technology Sydney in Australia. Dr. Greene’s research has been funded by the Stanley Research Institute, the National Institutes of Mental Health, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Maine Juvenile Justice Advisory Group. He lectures and consults extensively to families, general and special education schools, inpatient psychiatry units, and residential and juvenile detention facilities throughout the world.



Greene, R. W. (1998, 2001, 2005, 2009, 2014, 2021).  The explosive child:  A new approach for understanding and parenting easily frustrated, "chronically inflexible" children.  New York: HarperCollins.

Greene, R.W.  (2008, 2010, 2014, 2020). Lost at school:  Why our kids with behavioral challenges are falling through the cracks and how we can help them.  New York:  Scribner.

Greene, R.W. (2016, 2020). Lost & found: Helping behaviorally challenging students (and while you’re at it, all the rest). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Greene, R.W. (2016). Raising human beings: Creating a collaborative partnership with your child. New York: Scribner.

Selected Scientific Papers/Articles/Chapters

Greene, R. W., & Doyle, A.E. (1999). Toward a transactional conceptualization of oppositional defiant disorder:  Implications for treatment and assessment.  Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 2(3), 129-148.

Greene, R.W., Biederman, J., Zerwas, S., Monuteaux, M., Goring, J., Faraone, S.V. (2002).  Psychiatric comorbidity, family dysfunction, and social impairment in referred youth with oppositional defiant disorder.  American Journal of Psychiatry, 159, 1214-1224.

Greene, R.W., Ablon, J.S., Monuteaux, M., Goring, J., Henin, A., Raezer, L., Edwards, G., & Markey, J., & Rabbitt, S. (2004). Effectiveness of Collaborative Problem Solving in affectively dysregulated youth with oppositional defiant disorder:  Initial findings. Journal of Consulting and Clinical  Psychology, 72, 1157-1164.

Greene, R.W., Ablon, S.A., & Martin, A. (2006).  Innovations:  Child Psychiatry:  Use of Collaborative Problem Solving to reduce seclusion and restraint in child and adolescent inpatient units.  Psychiatric Services, 57(5), 610-616.

Greene, R.W. (2010).  Conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder.  In J. Thomas & M. Hersen (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Psychology Competencies.  New York:  Springer Publishing, 1329-1350.

Greene, R.W. (2011).  The aggressive, explosive child.  In M. Augustyn, B. Zuckerman, & E. B. Caronna (Eds.), The Zuckerman Parker Handbook of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics for Primary Care (3rd Ed.).  Baltimore:  Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins, 282-284.

Greene, R.W. (2015).  Frequent tantrums: Oppositional behavior in a young child.  In C.A. Galanter & P.S. Jensen (Eds.), DSM-V Casebook and Treatment Guide for
Child Mental Health.  Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing, in press.

Ollendick, T.H., Greene, R.W., Fraire, M.G., Austin, K.E., Halldorsdottir, T., Allen, K.B., Jarrett, M.E., Lewis, K.M., Whitmore, M.J., & Wolff, J.C. (2015).  Parent Management Training (PMT) and Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) in the Treatment of Oppositional Defiant Disorder in Youth: A Randomized Control Trial, Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology.

Greene, R.W., & Winkler, J.L. (2019). Collaborative & Proactive Solutions: A review of research findings in families, schools, and treatment facilities. Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Review, published online, June 2019.